Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Process Analysis Essay

An Essay I wrote for Written Com 2 Class

How to do your own Oil Change
Charles Walker
Written Com 2
Professor Staples

In todays world it seems like everything is expensive especially when it comes to maintaining a working car. If you were able to do some of the maintenance yourself, you could save some money. In this essay, I am going to explain how to do your own oil change.

Before you get started it’s a good idea to gather up everything that you will need to get the job done.

What You'll Need
• Ratchet or open end wrench
• Oil filter wrench
• Oil recycle container
• Funnel
• New oil filter
• New Oil
• Clean rag

The first step in an oil change is to remove the old oil. The oil drains out of the oil pan at the very bottom of your engine, it is held in by a drain plug that looks like a big bolt at the bottom of the pan. Before you remove the drain plug, make sure that the oil recycle container is positioned underneath the oil drain.

When you remove the drain plug, let it drop into the top of the recycling
container. There should be a screen on top that will keep it from dropping into the used oil. Let all of the oil drain out, then replace the drain plug. Put the cap on the oil recycling container so you can drop it of at a location that accepts used oil, then remove the container from underneath the vehicle.

It is now time to remove the old oil filter. Using an oil filter wrench, turn the filter counterclockwise until it's free. Please handle the used filter with care, there will be used oil still in it and it can spill and make a mess. Some oil filters can be reached from the top, but for most you'll have to be under the car. You are now ready to install the new oil filter.

Before you install the new filter, you will need to prep it. Lubricate the rubber
gasket on the end of the filter with some new oil then pour a little oil into the filter. Only fill it about two-thirds of the way, it’s ok if you go a little over but it may spill as you are installing the new filter. Carefully screw the new oil filter into place.

You will not need a wrench to install the new filter as in can be done by hand. Be
carefull, over tightening the oil filter can strip its threads and cause a leak. Of course, not tightening it enough can cause a leak. So screw it on as tight as it will go with one hand,but no more. It is now time to fill the engine with new oil.

Locate the oil fill cap, unscrew it and insert your funnel. Check your owner's
manual to find out what kind of oil you will need and how much the engine will hold. It is a good idea to only put about ¾ of the recommended amount of oil into the engine. For example, if your car only holds 4 quarts of oil, add 3 ½. There should be something on the side of the container of oil that will help determine how much you have poured into the engine. The reason why you shouldn’t add all of the oil from the container is because there may still be oil in the engine even after you drained it. When finished, check the oil level in the engine to make sure you are at the right level. Don’t forget to put the oil cap back on! An oil spray can cause a fire!

You are done! Congratulations! You have just changed the oil in your car! It
really is a lot easier then it looks and can save you a lot of money!

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